A Maine Coon cat has a unique growth and development; it does not reach its full adult size until it is around 3 to 5 years old, making it the largest domesticated cat breed.
Maine Coon Growth and Development
Male Maine Coon adults average between 15 and 25 pounds while the females can weigh between 10 and 15, but both may grow larger than this. The average length of a Maine Coon cat is somewhere around 40 inches, from tail to nose tip.
It can stand tall at 10 to 16 inches. Compared to other domestic cats, a Maine Coon will develop into adulthood slower but grow bigger faster. On average, a Maine Coon kitten will gain around 2 pounds per month which is double what other kittens with a different breed gain.
This stunning growth makes some owners worry if their Maine Coon is too heavy or too fat, so to keep track of its health and growth, a cat growth chart is used.
How Often to Track Growth Development
A Maine Coon kitten grows rapidly in weight and size. To measure and weigh it weekly would give you varying results; sometimes there’s some change and sometimes there’s none.
The best way to track a Maine Coon cat’s growth development is by weighing and measuring it monthly. This can be achievable at home with a few items but it’s also possible to have the vet record that during the Maine Coon’s regular checkup.
Changes in a Maine Coon cat’s weight are noticeable each month; it will put on around 2 pounds per month but may gain more depending on how much and how often it is being fed. In any case, the veterinarian can determine whether or not it is overweight and can issue a more proper diet.
When it comes to the Maine Coon’s size, it varies according to each cat. Some Maine Coon kitten grow rapidly than others as some tend to grow as much as 40 inches long in total while others only reach up to around 25 inches. There’s no real way of telling how big a Maine Coon cat can get but do expect a gentle giant when it reaches adulthood.
Keeping a Cat Growth Chart
There is really no specific growth chart for Maine Coons, in fact, pet owners rely on typical a typical cat growth chart to measure its height. Here’s how to keep a Maine Coon size chart:
Notebook or Pet Records
If you are keeping track of growth development at home use a notebook to record each month’s changes in weight, height, and length. Some pet owners have pet record books that they bring to the vet for regular checkups while others don’t bother keeping track as details of the pet’s development are already recorded at the vet’s clinic.
Measuring Tape or Meter Stick
There’s no better way to accurately measure the length and height of a Maine Coon than a good old fashioned measuring tape and, for some, a meter stick.
Weight Scale
A simple weight scale would be enough to keep track of a Maine Coon’s weight development. Although known to grow big, it does not need any special scale for weighing since all it needs to do is sit down on the scale.
How to Measure a Maine Coon’s Length
In order to measure a Maine Coon’s exact length, it will need to be stretched out on the floor, or mid-air, with the help of another person. Start the measurement from the tip of its nose to the base of its tail or tailbone. Most owners will include the length of the tail as well, starting from the nose’s tip to the tail’s tip. In any case, make two measurements: one for the overall length and another for just the body (excluding the tail).
Advanced Methods to Track Growth
Some Maine Coon owners might feel more inclined to track their Maine Coons growth in excel or an app of some kind which allows them to plot the points over the months and see visually the progress using a bar chart or simple line chart that can show how the cat’s weight and size have fluctuated over time.
Following these tips and advice, you should be well on your way to being able to plot your own Maine Coons growth and manage their weight to ensure they stay fit and healthy into the future.