Maine Coons are well known for being adorable, large and fluffy cats. Despite being such a well-loved and popular breed of cat. There are still many things that owners and people looking to adopt a Maine Coon may still not know about this beautiful breed of cat.
While most things like the size, appearance, and general characteristics of a Maine Coon are easy to spot quickly regarding the breed. There are still many hidden things that you may not know such as their origin, hidden characteristics, or the myths or legends surrounding this mystical breed of cat.
Lets take a look and discover the 18 things you didn’t know about Maine Coons…
1. Made In The USA

Maine Coons just as their name suggests first originated within the state of Maine, USA. They are one of the oldest and largest domestic cat breeds in North America and are believed to first be seen roaming the state within the New England area. Later going on to be named the official state cat of Maine in 1985.
There are many myths, legends, and folk tales about how today’s Maine Coon really came into existence in the USA. However, it’s most commonly believed that ships carrying new settlers and cargo during the American colonization period would also have come ashore with cats onboard.
The newly arriving cats would not only have been kept as pets by the early settlers but also played a big role within early settlements protecting food stores and farms from mice and other rodents.
These early cat settlers would have arrived in the USA as many different breeds, colors, shapes, and sizes. Then go on to breed together and with other native or domestic American Cats to produce today’s version of the Maine Coon Cat. The early Maine Coons were a much-loved breed due to their friendly characteristics and proficient hunting skills that proved valuable for protecting early settlements.
2. Maine Coons Are Not Half Raccoon (Myth Busted)

One of the most popular myths surrounding how Maine Coon cats came to be is that they are the result of crossbreeding between cats and Raccoons native to North America. While it’s easy to see why this myth could be believed due to a Maine Coons size, luscious fur, and bushy tail which made the Maine Coons early ancestors look very alike to Raccoons.
Unfortunately, this is just a myth and something that is largely believed in folklore that has been passed down through the generations. Maine Coons as their bloodline or genetics suggest were the result of crossbreeding between many different breeds of short-hair and long-hair cats. Tabby Maine Coons, however, do show a striking resemblance to Raccoons giving more credence to the myth.
The truth is Maine Coons would have been bred by early settlers for their characteristics, traits, and ability to hunt or survive in the cold climate found within the state of Maine. Selective breeding would have played a huge role in how the first Maine Coons came into existence within the state of Maine and throughout the rest of North America.
3. Maine Coons Can Grow Into Gentle Giants

Maine Coons are well-known for being one of the largest domesticated cat breeds in the world. They can grow in size far beyond many other domesticated cat breeds and reach up to a staggering 40″ in length.
The size Maine Coon cats can grow to can lead many people to believe they would be difficult or troublesome pet cats to own due to their size or appearance.
This could not be further from the truth. Maine Coons actually make great cat companions due to their docile or laid back nature. Despite their larger size, just like many other cat breeds they are super affectionate towards humans and will also get along just fine with other pet cats, dogs, and children.
Put simply they are caring and affectionate gentle giants!
4. They Have Many Different Color Combinations

When most people think of what a Maine Coon cats fur coat looks like. They will often think of the classic tabby color with its Raccoon-like coat and markings. However, did you know that Maine Coons actually come in a huge variety of different color combinations numbering more than 85+?
That’s right! There is a huge variety of different Maine Coon types all with their own unique fur markings and color combinations. To help give you an idea of just how many there really are, here’s a small glimpse at some of the colors Maine Coons can have.
Classic Tabby Coat Colors
- Black Classic Tabby (Brown)
- Red Classic Tabby
- Cream Classic Tabby
- Tortie Classic Tabby
- Blue Tortie Classic Tabby
Smoke Coat Colors
- Black smoke
- Red smoke
- Cream smoke
- Tortie smoke
- Blue smoke
- Blue Tortie smoke
Solid Coat Colors
- White
- Black
- Cream
- Blue (also referred to as grey coat)
- Red (also referred to orange or ginger)
Bi-color Coats
- Cream and white
- Black and white
- Blue and white
- Red and white
This list only shows a small segment of the many different color varieties Maine Coon cats can have. However, the sheer number of different colors available make it increasingly apparent why Maine Coons are such a revered and popular cat breed today!
5. Maine Coons Are Seriously Sociable

One of the best-loved characteristics of a Maine Coon is that they are seriously sociable cats. Similar to many other breeds of domestic cats. Maine Coons absolutely love the company of us humans. So much so in fact that they have been dubbed the “dogs of the cat world”.
Just like dogs, Maine Coons can be loyal and affectionate companions that find it very easy to make new friends and become close and sociable with new pets or strangers that you invite into the home.
Their big need to be sociable along with their high intelligence makes them super friendly and curious cats that are always looking to be at the center of the fun and get up to all kinds of mischief.
It’s easy to see why man people believe that keeping a Maine Coon as a pet is like having another person in the home. They have big personalities, and when you combine this with their sweet and gentle nature its a recipe for success that builds a strong bond and great friendship with their owners.
6. Growing Up Takes Time For Maine Coons

Unlike most other domestic breeds of cats that are usually fully grown at the age of 1 – 2 years. Maine Coons actually take a lot longer to become fully grown or mature into adulthood. At the age of 1 year, a Maine Coon will usually be showing the signs of turning into a gentle giant with its luscious fur, large paws, and bushy tail. However, they still have much more growing to do!
As they get older and progress towards 3 – 4 years in age. A Maine Coon can start to become a seriously impressive cat in size and stature. They will have a more complete fur coat, markings, and much more developed personalities and characteristics to match.
The slow growth is not a problem nevertheless. Usually at 4 years old most Maine Coons would have done most of their growing up and be full-sized adult cats. However, if you would like nothing more than to keep a cat that is sociable by nature and retains its kitten-like behavior for longer. Then there is no better breed of cat to own than a Maine Coon cat.
7. Maine Coons Are Super Smart Cats

Maine Coons are well-recognized for being very intelligent cats. So much so in fact that it’s even possible to teach them new tricks which again is why Maine Coons have been referred to as the “dogs of the cat world”. You can teach a Maine Coon to sit, high-five you, walk on a cat leash and even play fetch which is loads of fun!
Aside from being able to learn new things and do tricks for their owners. A Maine Coons natural intelligence is already sky high! They are very vocal cats and are able to learn to communicate with us humans to get the things they want. They will try to tell you things in their very own cat language and pester you to go outside or find you when feeding time comes around.
Maine Coons are also highly knowledgeable survival experts. They have top-notch hunting skills which can often be showcased by using toys to play with your cat. Maine Coons will also display these skills if they go outside in the garden. They are super curious cats and will forage around or hunt trying to sneak up on any prey unlucky enough to be found within the garden.
8. Maine Coons Prefer Having A Cat Companion

As we mentioned previously, Maine Coons are super intelligent cats. Which is why it’s so important for them to get lots of mental exercise. Not only do they need cat toys, cat trees, or places to roam and play with their owners to keep them stimulated. They also prefer to have a cat companion due to their highly sociable nature.
It’s actually highly recommended to not only get a single Maine Coon cat or kitten. Especially if they will be left at home alone during the day and the only time you can play or keep them mentally stimulated is in the evening. A cat companion will help a Maine Coon stay calm while you are gone, and also keep them busy or entertained during the day.
Maine Coons that do not have a friendly cat companion are believed to become less sociable or seem disinterested in play or other activities. In some cases they have also been known to become destructive and take much of the boredom or lack of mental stimulation out on the furniture.
This is why it’s so important to give them another cat companion to play with. It will go to great lengths in helping them to develop social skills together. They will even keep each other in check and stop one-another from getting up to too much mischief.
9. They Can Make Strange And Wonderful Sounds

You might think that just like many other breeds of cat, Maine Coons will mostly meow or make meowing sounds. This is absolutely wrong! Maine Coons can make a wide variety of strange and wonderful sounds in order to get your attention, or when talking to you and showing excitement. One of the most common sounds you will hear is chirping or trilling.
Chirping and trilling is something Maine Coons will pick up at an early age. Typically when a Maine Coon trills or chirps its a happy sound to show excitement or contentment at the goings-on. They will also use this sound to greet you or gain your attention, but the most common time to hear these sounds are when a Maine Coon spots a prey animal like a bird at the window.
The sounds or vocals Maine Coons can make can also be used to determine their true meaning. It’s believed that the tone or pitch of the sounds your Maine Coon makes will often reveal the true meanings behind them. Some Maine Coons have even been known to try mimicking their owners by listening closely to the tone of their voice.
Whichever way you look at it. A gentle giant like a Maine Coon making adorable sounds such as trilling or chirping is so cute and endearing. It’s no surprise why this breed of cat is so loved and revered by many owners.
10. Maine Coons Often Eat With Their Paws

Believe it or not, it’s not unheard of for many Maine Coons to start eating their food by taking it with their paws. Many owners speak of the great delight in watching their Maine Coon carefully scoop morcels of food with their paws and slowly lick and eat it. It’s adorable!
Not every Maine Coon will do this however, it just seems to be a trait that some Maine Coons will pick up and others will not.
Why do they do it? It’s still not clear exactly why they sometimes eat with their paws. It’s believed that it could be a trait picked up from a Maine Coons ancestors who would hunt prey animals and need to take good care of their paws for survival. Others believe they use their paws to test the food and will usually continue eating normally after they are satisfied.
In any case, its a seriously cute and adorable trait for Maine Coons to have and show us!
11. Maine Coons Enjoy Being Around Water

Maine Coons unlike many other breeds of domesticated cats are actually pretty fond of being around water. They are curious cats by nature and will often be intrigued by dripping water, running faucets, showers, and baths. So much so in fact that you can often find them hanging around in your bathroom as one of their #1 hangout spots.
At first, this might not seem like a big deal. But when it comes to teaching your cat to take the occasional bath during a grooming session. It seriously is! The fact they are not too fussed about being around water makes it so much easier when helping your Maine Coon maintain its luscious fur coat by bathing when needed.
If your Maine Coon goes outside, they are also not too phased about the rain or cold weather. They are built to survive and thrive in most harsh weather conditions. Also, don’t be alarmed if you have a pool and your Maine Coon decides to take a dip. Maine Coons have water-resistant fur which helps them to be pretty proficient swimmers.
12. A Maine Coons Fur Has Water Resistant Qualities

As we mentioned previously, Maine Coons have no problem being near water or outside in the elements due to their beautiful fur coats which have water-resistant qualities. Their fur helps make Maine Coons serious survival experts capable of withstanding the cold or harsh winter weather conditions found within the northern states of the USA for instance.
Their water-resistant fur helps to keep their skin dry and insulated from the cold. During the summer and at warmer times of the year a Maine Coons fur coat actually helps them stay cool and protected from the sun. This is one of many reasons its so important to ensure your Maine Coon maintains a healthy fur coat.
13. Maine Coons Are Easy To Take Care Of

Despite many people believing that keeping a large domestic cat as a pet could be hard to take care of due to their size or long fur coats. Maine Coons are actually just as easy to take care of as many of their smaller or short-haired cousins. Due to their docile nature and habit of being pretty laid back cats. Maine Coons can actually take less work than many other breeds.
When it comes to maintaining your cat’s health with things like grooming. Maine Coons don’t actually require a lot of grooming or help to maintain their fur. They also shed a lot less than some other breeds due to having long hair with not as much undercoat which can usually be found when shedding.
You will still need to give your cat lots of attention, however, but Maine Coons are pretty content or happy being provided most of the things you would expect to give many other smaller breeds of cat. They only key difference of note are their dietary requirements for being a much larger cat, and any health conditions you should be aware of that may be associated with the Maine Coon breed.
14. A Maine Coon Can Be Clumsy

When you think of cats you generally might consider them to be elegant in the way they move or walk and jump from place to place. However, unlike most cats Maine Coons have been known to be clumsy gentle giants from time to time.
Their occasional clumsy traits can likely be put down to their much larger size. Everything they do might seem less elegant than smaller cats, and they might also have a habit of knocking things over or falling from things like cat trees as they roll around.
This takes nothing away from how cute or lovable they really are though, and can actually be seriously endearing! It’s quite funny to think of a cat being clumsy, especially a large Maine Coon but it really is the case. They usually show off these clumsy traits when exploring unfamiliar areas, or whilst relaxing or chilling out with there guard down. Don’t be alarmed, its just another great quirk of their superb cat personalities.
15. Maine Coons Use To Have Jobs Back In The Day

They really did use to have jobs back in the day! A Maine Coons early ancestors use to take pride of place within the early colinizing settlements found within the state of Maine, USA.
It has been recorded that early farmers would have used Maine Coon cats to protect their crops, barns, and fields from mice, rats, and other rodents. Just like today they would have been kept as valued pets and played a leading role in the early colonization of the USA.
Maine Coons were much loved and valued working cats in fact that early shows, contents, and competitions were set up to allow early owners and farmers to showcase their prize-winning Maine Coons, bred for hunting, looks and their personality. These would have been today’s Maine Coons early ancestors.
16. Maine Coons Can Be Born With Extra Toes

While not exclusive to the breed, Maine Coons just like many other breeds of cat can be polydactyl meaning they are born with extra toes. While being born polydactyl does not have any ill effects for most cats, it’s is a genetic condition or anomaly found within the Pd gene.
Cats that are born polydactyl are most commonly found within the east coast of the US, England, and Wales. It’s believed that the trait was first seen as a genetic adaptation in Maine Coons that facilitated them to be master climbers and hunters. The extra toes would have given them the ability to balance and climb tall trees, or hang on to ledges and get a better grip on prey animals.
Today, the polydactyl trait has largely been bred out of the Maine Coon breed due to it being viewed as undesirable over the years. However, some breeders are now bringing this trait back and do still breed polydactyl Maine Coons.
This is still considered by many breeders to be a desirable trait for their cats to have. Maine Coons being adopted or born polydactyl will then go on to pass this gene down to any potential offspring.
Fun fact: Sailors who would travel the seas and come ashore would consider the sight of a polydactyl cat a sign of good luck and good fortune for their next voyage.
17. Maine Coons Starred In The “Harry Potter” Movies

That’s right! Maine Coons are such a popular breed of cat that they have made it all the way to the silver screens. Mrs. Norris, the cat of Argus Filch who was the caretaker of Hogwarts School in the “Harry Potter“ movies was actually played by a Maine Coon.
According to the facts surrounding the cats who starred in the movies, three separate Maine Coons actually played the role of Mrs. Norris during filming and production of all the films. They were also likely chosen for their characteristics, personality, and appearance that made them fit perfectly into the magical wizarding world.
Throughout the films, all the cats, especially ‘Pebbles’ who starred in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone“ would have undergone training and cat acting classes to perform their roles in the movie. They would have learned to walk the corridors on set and also were trained to sit or stay in certain spots during filming. This just goes to show how valued Maine Coons can be due to their intelligence.
18. Maine Coons Are Friendlier Than Most Cat Breeds

Most breeds of cat are widely known for being very independent by nature. They might only come to pester you when they want something like food or attention. Then the rest of the time they might seem happy in their own company or going off exploring outside on their own.
However, things are a little different when it comes to Maine Coons. There is a reason many people refer to them as the ‘dogs of the cat world’ and its fully down to their nature and characteristics. They are super friendly cats that love nothing more than being social with their owners or following them around the house just like a dog would do!
Unlike other breeds of cats who might do their best to avoid other pets like dogs. Maine Coons are fully happy to be sociable and play with other household pets. Getting up to all kinds of shenanigans together. The same is also true for children, they are curious cats by nature and will often be found following children around being inquisitive, friendly, and playing with them.